I’ve previously talked about how I often take a lot of notes, and how writing things down has been very helpful for me to work through problems and come up with ideas. In the past I used the ...
One thing I’ve done a lot of over the years is take notes. Whether in meetings or at conference sessions, in webinars etc, I've always recorded the information and added my thoughts where ...
Approaching problems from a different angle can often result in solutions you never anticipated when you set out in the first place. For my recent book, for instance, I was intending to put ...
Several people have asked me recently where I come up with the ideas for things to talk about in these daily videos. With this being the 92nd one, I can understand where they’re coming from. ...
Newsletter and email subscription overwhelm is a fairly common feature of modern professional life. Despite my every so often culling the ones I’m less likely to read, I still find there are ...
While writing my next book recently, I was stuck on a particular element and couldn’t find a solution for driving the narrative forward using the free writing or mind mapping techniques I’ve ...
Continuing on from the suggestions for no filter brainstorming and free writing, I find a valuable tool for generating ideas and coming up with solutions is to create a mind map. This ...
I’ve mentioned before that I sometimes like to use a ‘no filter’ brainstorm approach for coming up with ideas. And I think this technique is particularly useful when combined with ‘free ...
After a recent week away from work, it’s been interesting to get back into the swing of things and try to come up with new and different methods of recruiting patients for clinical trials ...