I recently watched the first few episodes of the new reboot series of Bergerac – a UK detective series set on the island of Jersey. One of the scenes had the central character discussing a ...
Every year there’s a consideration to be made when creating content as to whether to include reference to Christmas, or even to create some specific pieces for the festive season. Television ...
Repurposing content is something that many people are aware they should be doing, but often never actually get around to. I was reminded of this recently when a contact of mine recommended I ...
Earlier this week I put together 2 videos that were both inspired by a sporting event of one kind or another - the Las Vegas Grand Prix and a maximum break in snooker. This is the sort of ...
I mentioned in the last vid how I like to read the weekend newspapers. And I’m always impressed by how much quality content they deliver on a consistent basis. Which provides me with more ...
I’m someone who still likes to read a printed newspaper. In particular, I like the Saturday and Sunday editions, the reading of which can often last a few days into the following week. I ...
One thing I’m grateful for from my school days is being taught to touch type as part of one of the courses I took. I kept up this skill over the years and recently did an online test that ...
One thing I’ve done a lot of over the years is take notes. Whether in meetings or at conference sessions, in webinars etc, I've always recorded the information and added my thoughts where ...
Several people have asked me recently where I come up with the ideas for things to talk about in these daily videos. With this being the 92nd one, I can understand where they’re coming from. ...