My Videos

My Website Recently had a Redesign and Now Includes all My Daily Videos
I’ve recently updated my website with a new design, plus it now hosts all the short vids I’ve been making over the last few months. Previously I’d only been uploading them to various ...
Copying and Pasting Eligibility Criteria from Previous Protocols can lead to Poor Recruitment
It was Guy Fawkes’ Night in the UK here yesterday, 05 November - commonly known as Bonfire Night. Which reminded me of a phrase used by a colleague in the industry last week when we were ...
Does Everyone Have a Rare Disease?
Does everyone have a rare disease? At a recent meeting of the Rare Disease Research Network it was suggested that if you slice things thinly enough, every person has a rare disease. The idea ...
When Writing a Book Make Sure you Give it Your Best Effort to Improve it
I spent quite a lot of time earlier this year writing my latest book - The Patient Recruitment Conundrum. At several points, I found myself becoming somewhat weary of the process, ending the ...
Targeted Advertising Functionality isn't Unique to the Digital Realm
In the world of digital marketing, people are very familiar with the idea of targeted advertising. What they mean by it is usually a set of options that enables you to show your ads only to ...
Revising Your Creative can Help Your Ads Stand out Against Christmas-Themed Ads
Further to what I said in the last vid about increased digital ads competition in the lead-in to Christmas, there are other things you can do to try to mitigate against the potential higher ...
Social Media Ads for Patient Recruitment have to Compete with Christmas-Themed Competitors
For anyone using digital advertising to promote clinical trial participation - especially on social media - there’s an interesting thing happens in the last 2 to 3 months of each year, based ...
Finding Suitable Trials to Participate in can be a Complex and Difficult to Understand Process
There’s an extraordinarily damning overview of the current process for finding out about clinical trials written by Dr Bess Stillman that you can read on Substack at ...
How do we Find out if Patients Might be Motivated to Take Part in Trials?
One of the things we talked about on the recent Trialhub webinar about patient feasibility is whether potential trial participants are likely to be motivated to take part. From inside the ...
In the Spirit of Research Maybe we Should Review the Idea of Putting the Clocks Back
In the UK today - Sunday 29 October - we’ve now finished with daylight saving time, so the clocks have gone back an hour. One pretty much universally appreciated effect of this is that, ...

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