One technique that can offer spark some interesting ideas is to look at associating a random object with something you’re currently working on. For example, in front of me I have a phone ...
There’s a couple of things I think are helpful when it comes to improving and keeping on top of writing - learned from my own experience as well as advice I’ve picked up from others. Write ...
Following on from the idea of having a trial-specific website, I’m often bemused by the fact that sponsor organizations and CROs don’t seem inclined to have websites that are focused on ...
Despite this being 2023, nearly 2024 now, I still see plenty of clinical trials that don’t utilize the internet for recruiting patients. Certainly there are people who don’t go online all ...
There are some things you can do to help your Facebook Ad Sets exit the Learning Phase and start performing the best they can. One of these is to target a wider audience within your Ad Set. ...
I was discussing the optimization of Facebook ads with a sponsor contact recently, and it occurred to me that there are some Facebook-specific elements that are perhaps not all that well ...
Another method of recruiting patients into clinical trials that should be valuable is to use such things as a patient’s health records, lab test results, and insurance claims data. Obviously ...
A SWOT analysis is a technique often used by businesses to identify and assess different aspects of their operations. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and an ...
Within the world of writing advice there’s often a clear distinction made between planners and pantsers. Referring respectively to people who plan out what they’re going to write before ...
Having mentioned doctor referrals, site databases, patient group and community outreach activities as ideally being the best methods of recruiting patients, we now come to the approach that ...