My Videos

A Second Pair of Eyes to Oversee your Patient Recruitment Activities
I was at the House of Lords recently, and it got me thinking that what that second chamber does for parliament is similar in function to something I recommend to organizations running ...
Retaining Patients on Trials is Another Key Element of Successful Patient Recruitment
While recruiting people into a trial is the single biggest problem, retaining them throughout the trial’s lifespan is another major issue. Which, in turn, leads to additional recruitment ...
Clinical Trial Complexity Affects Patient Recruitment
Over the time I’ve been involved in the industry, clinical trials have witnessed an increase in complexity in terms of their execution - where multiple site visits for patients have become ...
Access to Clinical Trials is a Major Problem for Patient Recruitment
Another major challenge for patient recruitment is the lack of access to trials. The vast majority of trials are conducted at Clinical Research Sites. These are often large institutions such ...
Lack of Awareness of Clinical Trials
The primary challenge for patient recruitment is that of awareness. With the majority of people being simply unaware of the existence of clinical trials they could participate in. While the ...
Patient Recruitment Should be Viewed as a Marketing Activity, Not a Clinical One
I’m a believer that if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. I seem to be in a minority in this belief within the clinical trials industry, though, as the same ...
Intro to Patient Recruitment
Recruiting patients into clinical trials is one of – if not the – biggest problems facing the life sciences industry. Given that clinical trials are the mechanism by which potential ...

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