The first factor in the Magic Wand Index is Relevance. For patients, we need to make sure the recruitment messaging makes the potential participant feel it relates to them and their ...
The Magic Wand Index allows us to see if our solution is closer to being ‘magic’, or closer to being ‘meh’. It’s based on 5 factors that we can measure to determine a score for each - the ...
In terms of a patient recruitment solution being effective, there are two main angles to look at it from. Firstly, from the perspective of the patient who will be taking part in the trial. ...
A little while back it was the end of the English football season. Funny how most of the world views football as a game where everyone in the team can use their feet and only one can use ...
The fourth key element for successful patient recruitment is retaining people on the trial through to completion. This can be partially achieved through recruiting the right people in the ...
Qualifying patients for trials can cause a lot of headaches. Very strict Inclusion/Exclusion criteria is now the norm for most trials, making it difficult to find people who match exactly ...
Engaging with potential participants is the second key element for successful patient recruitment. What you’re after is to be clear, easy to understand, and compelling. Easier said than ...
As well as advertising, there are other methods of finding patients to take part in trials. I’ve always liked the idea of having Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) introduce trials to their ...
Finding patients for clinical trials is probably the most difficult of the 4 elements that go into patient recruitment, so I’ve put together 2 videos to outline what’s involved. One of the ...
So how do we go about recruiting patients for clinical trials? There are 4 key elements to consider. Firstly, finding the patients. We need to go out and look for relevant people, so ...