My Videos

Patient Engagement and Patient Recruitment are Different but Connected
Patient engagement is often used as a synonym for patient recruitment. But actually they are two distinct - though connected - concepts. Recruitment is focused on attracting people to take ...
It can be Worth Allowing your Unconscious Mind to Come up with Solutions to Problems
While writing my next book recently, I was stuck on a particular element and couldn’t find a solution for driving the narrative forward using the free writing or mind mapping techniques I’ve ...
Benefits of Translating Patient Recruitment Materials for English-speaking Countries
Translating patient recruitment materials into languages other than English is something organizations will consider when recruiting patients in countries where English is not the main ...
Some Things we can do to Retain Patients on Trials include Appointment Reminders
Keeping in touch with trial participants isn’t just about seeing them at their regular site visits. It’s important, of course, to treat each person with respect and make them feel welcome ...
Uncontactable Trial Applicants are a Big Bottleneck for Patient Recruitment
One of the biggest factors affecting rates of patient recruitment for clinical trials is the number of people who initially apply that can’t then be contacted in order to get them to go ...
Testing Patient-Centric Ads Against Condition-Specific Ads can Lead to Continuous Improvements
Using digital ads is a widely-used element of many successful patient recruitment campaigns. And there’s been a move in recent years towards making the content of these ads more ...
We Should be Working Towards Offering Patients a Choice of When and How to Participate in Trials
There’s a well-known saying that too much choice can be a bad thing. Such as when you go to a grocery store and have to decide between 15 types of canned tomatoes, or when a restaurant menu ...
Mind Maps are Another Useful Tool for Clarifying Thinking and Producing Ideas
Continuing on from the suggestions for no filter brainstorming and free writing, I find a valuable tool for generating ideas and coming up with solutions is to create a mind map. This ...
Free Writing can be a Valuable Technique for Producing Ideas
I’ve mentioned before that I sometimes like to use a ‘no filter’ brainstorm approach for coming up with ideas. And I think this technique is particularly useful when combined with ‘free ...
People Rarely Perceive or Describe Themselves as Simply Being Patients
Dean Martin famously described himself as a drunk, rather than an alcoholic. One of his reasons being that drunks don’t have to go to meetings. Whether he actually was as fond of a drink as ...

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